
Ms. Sheila Lane is joining Columbia Elementary School as a First Grade teacher.  Prior to this school year, she was at Sonora Elementary School where she served as a TK, Kindergarten, Third Grade, and Sixth Grade teacher and even before that, she spent some time here at Columbia as a Title I and Third Grade teacher.

“I taught Third Grade at Columbia 20 years ago,” said Ms. Lane.  “I had fond memories of the families and students I worked with.  Columbia has always loved their students and put them first and I wanted to be a part of that culture again.”

Ms. Lane was inspired to become an educator because of her Fourth Grade teacher who she said “made learning fun and valued each student.”  She reflected on her own shyness at that age and complimented her teacher for always believing in her and including her, which is an experience she wants to give with other children.

“The child comes first in a classroom family!” exclaimed Ms. Lane.  “When students feel safe, valued, and understood, they are able to learn the curriculum, but also to take care of, and respect one another.”

For this upcoming school year, every child in her classroom will see themselves as a Reader, Writer, Mathematician and Scientist (!).  Another goal is for students to work together to help one another, to build each other up, and to have positive connections with their friends, their teacher, and all of the Columbia staff.

"I often told a Third Grade student of mine…that he was an amazing scientist and that I had a feeling he would grow up to be a doctor,” explained Ms. Lane.  “He contacted me years later and took me to lunch.  The reason: to tell me he was going to med school to become a doctor.  I was so proud of him!”

Ms. Lane has been enjoying her “absolutely amazing” transition back into Columbia and complimented the staff for being “warm, welcoming, and helpful.”  

“I am so very proud to be a part of the amazing team at Columbia,” she said.

In her spare time, Ms. Lane has “an adventure spirit” and likes to travel to other countries and experience new cultures.  She also enjoyed being out in nature and drawing and painting.

Fast Facts

Favorite Book in Elementary School: The Aminal  ("I couldn't say 'animal' correctly either-what an awesome title!")

Favorite Book as an Adult: The Giving Tree

Favorite Movie in Elementary School?  “Mary Poppins”

Favorite Movie as an Adult:  “It's a Wonderful Life”

Favorite Game to Play at Recess: “Red Rover because I could break through the line!”

Favorite School Lunch:  Spaghetti with Garlic Bread