The 2024-25 school year is an exciting one for Columbia Elementary School with new curriculum programs and expanded intervention and support services that could only happen with the dedication of Columbia's talented staff.

Beginning this school year, Columbia Elementary School will have a more structured and expanded course catalog for our middle school students to choose from.  The goal is to offer course opportunities that not only expand upon English Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies, but also cater to the interests of our students.  Our course catalog features electives that are broken down into three (3) categories: Fine Arts, Student Interests, and Core Content Extensions.  

“As students get older their critical thinking skills are developing and it is important to offer courses that allow them to explore the applications of skills they are gaining in core classes,” said Ms. Breann Craig, Social Studies Teacher and Middle School Coordinator.  “Electives give students an engaging path to aid them in their preparation for high school and  incorporate career readiness skills as well as real life application.”

The middle school team has been working diligently over the 2023-24 school year to create a catalog of unique classes for the middle school students.  Some of these new classes include topics on financial literacy, theater production, podcasting, pre-drafting skills, yoga, game strategies and design, world languages, and STEM.

“Our middle school offers our students a variety of electives to encourage them to explore their interests and develop their unique capacities that may not always emerge in general education classes,” explained Ms. Rebekah Wood, Principal.  “Encouraging student choice in their electives creates buy-in and increases each student's potential for success and achievement.  The offering of electives in middle school keeps students excited and engaged while paving the way for high school course selection, career exploration, and college studies.”

A change in the middle school is that all electives are graded and count towards earned credits for middle school promotion.  Students will have the ability to select their course preferences, but such preferences are not guaranteed registrations since there are only so many sections and spots available.  Students will be able to start planning their schedule after Middle School Orientation at Back to School Night on Tuesday, August 20.  The days that follow, they will submit their requests and the school will finalize their schedule.

“It will be interesting for us to see where students’ interests go as we register,” mused Dr. Nicolas Wade, Superintendent.  “The whole point of this is to give students choice and variety in their learning.  We have no illusions that what we offer one year may differ the next, and that is fine and expected because we are being responsive to our students.”

The electives will be held Monday through Thursday, but on Friday the middle school will offer Global Education.  Columbia Elementary School has been gradually incorporating the learning objectives and mission of Global Education to better prepare students for the changing global economy, helping students develop skills to contextualize global events, build upon the diversity of other countries’ languages and backgrounds, create sustainable solutions to world problems, and have students recognize the number of “unique, vibrant, and dynamic” cultures across the globe.

Additionally, the Global Education experience offers students the opportunity to engage with students from across the world.  While also learning from their international peers, they are able to share what makes Columbia a special place to live and a destination for so many.  The work our students put into Global Education and the knowledge and skills learned also lead to renewed civic engagement that can help Columbia’s campus continue to thrive and the ability to give back to surrounding communities.

“Global education prepares students to engage with their fellow humans beyond their own local and national comfort zones,” elaborated Ms. Jessica Mathews, English Language Arts and Social Studies Teacher.  “It is an opportunity to cultivate 21st Century Skills including communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.  In providing students with the tools they need to become globally competent they will be able to make positive contributions in an interconnected world and, thus, continue to make this world one they are excited to be a part of.”

The district has also revised the promotion requirements for middle school students.  To be promoted, students will need to have 63 credits, which, when broken down, is 21 credits per school year and seven (7) credits per trimester.  English Language Arts, Math, Physical Education, Science, and Social Studies are worth one (1) credit per trimester for each course.  Each elective ranges from a half (0.5) to a full credit per trimester as well.

“Without a doubt this ups our game and our expectations for everyone, but that’s how it should be,” explained Dr. Wade.  “It is about what we believe we can and should do as a school, and I feel with everything happening here, it really shows our families and community that we believe in their children a lot.” 

Middle school students and families can access the course catalog here to see a full list of available electives, new promotion requirements, and other pieces of pertinent information.