
Columbia Union School District is a member of the Project Safe Consortium through the Stanislaus County of Education (SCOE).  At the end of each school year, the consortium has an awards ceremony recognizing all of the schools and programs involved.  The district’s after school program nominated Ms. Haley Severson for After School Teacher of the Year.

Mrs. Crystal Wolf, Director of the After School Program, wrote, “Haley has been a wonderful addition to our ELOP staff these past two years…Haley always shows kindness and respect for our students and their families. When times are tough, she rises up and goes above and beyond for others.”

In addition to serving multiple grades in the after school program, Ms. Severson is a paraprofessional serving Kindergartners.  

“She never fails to show up with a positive attitude and is willing to take on whatever challenges that come her way,” continued Mrs. Wolf.  “Haley has shown great leadership and mentorship skills throughout her time with us…We could not be as great at what we do without her.”

Ms. Severson was surprised and appreciative of her supervisors and colleagues nominating her for the award.

“I am very grateful and very proud to be working for ELOP at Columbia,” said Severson.  “I am excited to have an awesome crew who believes in me and makes me feel supportive and heard.”